THAT Drywall Guy in Kelowna, BC

that drywall guy, kelowna, lake country, vernon, west kelowna

THAT Drywall Guy (Phone or Text 778-215-4337), provides a varying range of ceiling repair services as well as drywall repair, drywall taping and filling to small renovations, as well as interior painting.

With all the recent changes to regulations pertaining to the safe handling and removal of asbestos in materials, many homeowners are finding themselves unaware as to what ceiling textures have asbestos in them and which ones do not.  (Tip:  If your home is older than 1985, and has textured ceilings, there is a very high risk your ceiling texture contains asbestos fibres.)

In the past couple of years, the industry has said “Goodbye” to texture products such as RuffTex, SnowTex, and PearlTex, focusing more heavily on providing the market with the currently used SpanLite or SpanTex.  What does this mean for the industry?  It means that many of the old very coarse ceiling textures cannot be matched with the same product.

THAT Drywall Guy 778-215-4337 has been very successful in matching the old textures with a modern medium aggregate texture application that is not SpanLite or SpanTex.  While no one can promise a perfect match or blending in of new to old textures, we have been able to match or blend in texture applications so closely that guests to the home or business never notice work had ever been done on the ceiling.  Homeowners will always know the ceiling had been worked on, simply because they were there to see the work in progress.